Are you part of a crypto community? This is for you!

5 min readApr 1, 2022

Predictions have never been so profitable and fun until now. Coin League represents an educational way to earn money while learning to analyze the behavior of one of the most unpredictable and data-rich markets in existence: cryptocurrencies. DexKit offers a chance to communities and projects to sponsor games on the platform so that their users can enter and thus enjoy the genius of this game whose greatest fun lies in the uncertainty generated until the last second of the game.

How does it work?

The sponsor must go to Coin League Discord server or write through the contact email to request sponsorship enablement. The sponsor will have to wait (maybe minutes) for the steps leading to create the game the way he likes. DexKit team is working on a self-service platform so we can avoid this step to make this more fluid and make the sponsors run their games anytime, anywhere.

What are the advantages?

–Gain exposure for your project on DexKit’s platform and our affiliates. We have thousands of monthly unique visits to our platform, from the blog to the SuperApp that includes our beloved NFT Kittygotchi mascots. We pull decent traction that promises to grow over time and with the help of our partnerships, as does the value of our assets and creations.

This is the @Bittoken_Club weekly sponsored game. You can join here. (Until Monday April 4th.)
We let you be creative: You can put all the info you want about your project in the description.

–Earn referral commissions. Every time you sponsor a game you will receive a small commission for each user that enters (for now the maximum capacity is fifty users, but this will improve according to demand). If your community is huge, you can sponsor as many games as you like, or even create tournaments in which the winners of certain games compete against other winners to define the best traders.

Learn trading like a pro, with the smoothest learning curve.

Within the fun of this game there is something more valuable that is usually learned in hours of tedious lessons. Frequent Coin League players will learn to decipher the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency markets–perhaps the busiest on the planet–like a Swiss watchmaker taking apart and reassembling a watch.

Earning money represents an end for many, but what does learning to earn money represent in order to learn to earn money? 🤔 sounds complicated, but it’s not. Let me explain you.

Coin League developer has come up with a plan for users who want to learn trading to decide, firsthand, whether they prefer bullish or bearish markets. We know that there are those who prefer red tides to profit by shorting and we also know that there are many more who love cryptocurrencies not only for what they represent–in terms of financial liberty and privacy–but also for the wealth of data they provide. Picked your choice, let’s go to the next phase.

The duration of each game is important because it represents a small part of the great historical chart of the cryptoasset(s). Choosing an hour-long race is very different from choosing a week-long race. In the first, the user will train his skills such as shorter–or scalping–and, in the weekly race, he will train not only his patience but also his vision of the future, typical of medium to long-term investors and swing traders. Taking both premises into account, you can now choose the amount of money to deposit (this ranges from 1 $MATIC in beginner games to 500 $MATIC for professional games). This payment will be mandatory for all players as the total sum will be divided among the winners.

The next step will be picking the coin quantity for the specific game. Captain Coin will outperform the other ones so users need to be cautious with this pick and make the best decision there. This is the last step (or anyone after you become Pro) so, we’re set to go.

Are you ready? The competition will start when the countdown timer expires with the predetermined rules until the end. It is the magic of smart contracts: each game represents one of them and they are immutable until their previously established termination.

The fun is just beginning! Users can see anytime the list of choices of each user and the performance of each of the coins, reflecting the price in real time (provided by Chainlink) and the indicator in percentage. All of this is public. The winner will be decided at the last second due to the volatility of some assets, although the team tries to curate this list to provide the best ones and thus reduce this margin.

Players will be able to check their performance from any device.

Do you like the game and you want to help DexKit to keep growing up? Buy $KIT tokens from the official contracts, using our DSWAP (The famous SlippageKiller™) for better liquidity and lower slippage among competitors. #HODL 🧡 your 750 $KIT for 90% fees discount on the swap platform and 500 tokens if you want to earn commisions deploying white label solutions.

SwapNSave your valuable crypto. Slippage is the first money you lose trading on DEX aggregators.

We are working hard to bring more value with more DeFi innovations, partnerships and utilities for our token.

According to GOV Capital Investor’s Blog, DexKit will outperform actual token value in a year or less.

We’re anxiously waiting for you to play Coin League with us!

Thank you for reading!




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